Windows phone 8.1 total commander
Windows phone 8.1 total commander

windows phone 8.1 total commander windows phone 8.1 total commander

Last weekend I went back to Windows 10 and it has been the best choice for me in one whole year of pain. The joke is that I installed Ubuntu to just be able to print and when I take care I was working with Ubuntu mostly the 90% of the time. One by one! And printing? The worst torture, I bought a second hand laptop to install Ubuntu 22 to be able to print at my college on the shared printer! Ubuntu 22 was able to detect the WiFi printer options in one second! Sometimes the taskbar hanged itself, the explorer process needed to be killed and when it started working you find out that all the taskbar icons needed to be added one by one at taskbar configuration. W11 even hasn’t an option to show always all icons at taskbar at a time. It’s for children only or for weird masochist experience. Its start menu is a fiasco, the taskbar is the worst useless piece of crap ever done, and the explorer menu “more options” made the W11 the worst OS for working purposes. I beg your pardon, however, what do you all would expect about Microsoft? Windows 11 is a massive disaster for productivity. This is the one app that keeps me from every going over the Linux fulltime because lets face it, Linux file browsers are as lame as MS’. It has allot of other features such as macros, date stamping, comments, color coding, etc… It is small, under 4mb and runs on everything from XP on up. For instance, if you maintain a programs with thousands of files, you can create a custom sort group that places the solution & project files at the very top then sorted by, source code files, resources, etc… This way, when you have to maintain that project, which might contain 20+ top level directories spread out over 7 computers, all those dirs can be instantly opened – with the solution dir in the first tab and the solution & project files at the very top. Features like saved custom sort groups and saved tab groups alone make it worth the price for anyone who has complex computer task to perform. For a tabbed explorer app, I’ve been using xplorer² for over a decade and couldn’t live without it (bought a perpetual license, but they have a free version). A typical MS no effort at mediocrity, the one characteristic MS does well.

Windows phone 8.1 total commander